Tesimonials - 'I would 100% recommend an author visit from Joffre, his visit captivated our Year 7 students and our guests from Tor Bridge Primary. His passion was contagious and inspirational.’ 
Tor Bridge High Librarian, Plymouth.

In association with Oasis Academy Library Enfield Middlesex
On Thursday 29th November, the whole of Year 8 were treated to a workshop hosted by published author, Joffre White.

Mr White enthralled the year group with tales about becoming a writer and inspired many into believing that they too could have their work read by people all over the world.
Two classes were then selected to take these ideas a stage further and work with Joffre on writing their own stories. They developed some weird and wonderful ideas into full story plans.
Gone were the usual refrains from pupils – ‘I don’t know how to start’ – and in came a new sort of pupil. The kind that was not afraid to take a chance on an idea. The kind that had confidence in their characters and story. The kind that found that once the ideas started pouring out of their heads they could not quite stem the flow.
Joffre White is a truly inspirational speaker.
Mr. Iona, Mr. Groarke and the whole of Year 8 would like to thank Mr. White for spending the day with us and imparting some of his creative writing wisdom just as the year group are aiming towards their English assessment.’

Mr. Iona, Mr. Groarke and the whole of Year 8
"Joffre visited St Pauls Primary School, Chippenham and held a hall full of pupils enthralled for a whole hour. His passion and enthusiasm for children's writing is infectious. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to any teachers looking to spark creative writing with their class"
Geoff Hill
Teacher, year 6
"It was an absolute pleasure to have you in our school. The Power of Words assembly was inspirational. You engaged the girls and boys alike and made them reflect, think and aspire. We were impressed with how mesmerized they all became from the word go. The fiction writing workshops were a blast! They were educational and fun at the same time. You delivered them brilliantly, pitching the subject spot on and tapping into our students’ personal experiences. Even the most reluctant writers threw themselves in. It was a joy to watch. "
The Clarendon Academy,
"What can I say? - the response to your visit has been phenomenal! Never have I had so many teachers, parents and children say so many positive things about an author visit. The enthusiasm you have for writing and the motivational messages you bring about reading are spot on - and have visibly inspired the children with their own reading and writing."

Highfield School, Prudhoe Northumberland
– Keith Bell
"I would thoroughly recommend Joffre, his visit was an amazing experience for the children - Truly inspiring!"
– Eggbuckland Vale Primary, Plymouth.
"Thank you for a wonderful and inspiring day - It has been an incredible day for the pupils and staff alike"
– St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Hertfordshire.
"Most awesome assembly Ever!"

Year 8 student,
Newent Community School, Glos.
– Valerian
"We thought that you were wonderful, awesome and inspiring; just what we all needed to lift the spirits at the start of the new school year.
You connected brilliantly with your audience in a 'down to earth, bloke in the street' way which made the 'job' of author seem possible, not something that some wealthy, privileged individuals get to do because they know the right people. For some children who may think that getting work in the local supermarket is their only option in life, this can be truly eye-opening. Writing books for a living is incredibly cool!"

Buckler’s Mead School Yeovil
– Ruth Brown
"Thank you once again for visiting us at Wedmore Primary School, you gave an inspiring presentation, pitched at just the right level and I have already recommended you to other schools in our area. Several children have talked repeatedly about what you said.
My favourite comment from one of my children (Poppy) was...."I didn't really like books before, now I will look harder."

Senior Leader.
– Sue Ham
"I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you very much for coming into our school and really motivating and inspiring our children to both read and write. Thank you also for opening our library and for just being such a joy to have in our school."

Headteacher, Dicheat Primary School
– Victoria Withers