Short stories from featured schools.

      Trent YOung's Primary School,     

                                                                        The Island of Pirates and the Sword of Blood    by   Mia.
Once upon a time, in a fairy tale world on the Island of Pirates, Maria was telling Jill a story in the wooden hut as it was too hot on the sand. The sun was shining like normal. But today wasn’t gonna be normal. While the sun was setting, Black Beard ran into a hole and slid down while no one was watching. He saw it… ‘What did he see?’ asked Jill excitedly. ‘You’ll find out. Be patient,’ replied Maria. ‘Fine. It was the sword of blood he grabbed, but blood ran down his hand. ’‘Aaaah!’ she said while taking deep breaths. ‘You know I HATE blood!’ ‘Sorry,’ said Maria sarcastically. ‘Oww! What was that?’ said Jill. ‘It was Jack. Hurry, let’s go!’ They saw Jack’s hand bleeding.
‘I’ll go and get the bandages,’ said Jill. He had knocked a rock then a hole opened. They jumped down the hole. ‘Where are we?’ said Maria.‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘M, Mar… Look!’ said Jack surprised. ‘The Sword of Blood.’ replied Maria. ‘Wow!’ they both said. ‘Ah, you found it, ave ya?’ said a voice as deep as the sea. ‘Jack, Maria!’ shouted Jill who had just landed on Jack’s feet. ‘There you are.’ 
‘A friend you got there?’ asked the voice. ‘Who’s that?’ said Jull worryingly. ‘We don’t know,’ replied Jack and Maria. ‘It’s too dark to see the person.’ Black Beard came out from his hiding spot. ‘Why don’t we make a deal, you lift the curse, and you don’t die… DIE! You heard me scurbbydog or die!’ Though Black Beard would kill them anyway. Suddenly, red smoke flew out of the sword. ‘Aah. Your job is done, you lifted the curse, but you also aren’t taking any credit, so I hope you had a good life. ’He went to grab the sword, but it flew up and turned into three powerful swords, then went into the kid’s hands. ‘I think it’s time for you to go, actually,’ said Jill. ‘Bye, bye,’ said Jack and Maria. Then they stabbed him in the heart, and he dropped dead right in front of them. They hurried to the castle to show the King and Queen the swords. Just then, they saw the King and Queen, they ran as fast as they could. They showed the swords to them. The Queen was amazed. The King was amazed too. After it being carefully checked they got a reward! The reward was to become rulers when they stepped down, and they were going to step down soon, and they had no siblings or kids. And they all lived happily ever after.

                                                                        The Wet Wings of a Dragon  by Lova.
One day, many years in the future, this story has a chance of becoming real… A friendly dragon was flying through the air and a little girl named Lily shouted, ‘Over here, Fury!’ Fury dropped a water droplet from his left wing, and it landed on Lily’s head. As quick as a flash, a lot of rainbow dust appeared, and Lily could interestingly understand all water dragons.‘Hop on my back,’ roared Fury, and off they flew.They finally arrived to a dried-out river. ‘I have to warn the other dragons,’ Fury said in disappointment. ‘But you’re about to lay eggs,’ Lily replied. ‘Well, if you don’t mind taking care of them?’ Fury asked. So they agreed that Lily would take care of them. A few days later, Fury arrived in the land of fire. Unnoticed that there was an evil scientist named Dr Disaster following him. He was the one who made some gadgets to take all the power from the dragons so he could rule the world. He had already drained the water from the water dragon’s home and had almost got his hands on the water crystal. If he got his hands on the elements crystals, no one could stop him. Meanwhile, Lily was doing a good job keeping the eggs safe and secret. As one of them had a tiny crack, Lily would not take her eyes off it. Two hours later, Lily was playing games on her phone, she heard a quiet crack and the tiny dragon started darting around the room. Lily was trying to calm him down, but nothing would work! When she gave up, she found that her phone made a noise – ‘game over!’ ‘Aha!’ She had an idea: she was going to play calm music, a song called Scale, and for sure it worked. ‘Hmm, what should I call you?’ she asked the baby water dragon. ‘Oh, I know this song calmed you down. Should I name you after the song?’ she said in a proud voice, and Scale smiled. Fury was about to tell the Fire Queen, names Ash, about Dr Disaster, but he got blasted and so did Ash. It was Dr Disaster with his hypnotise ray. ‘Take me to Earth Land where King Quake is. Now!’ commanded Dr Disaster as he jumped on Ash’s back. ‘Ow. Ow. Ow! Oooh, too hot,’ he screamed. He jumped on Fury’s back instead.‘Go! Go!,’ he shouted, and they obeyed. When they landed Dr Disaster told them to give him their crystals. He now had his hands on Fire crystals, but Fury roared. ‘Oh yes, of course, do you water droplet thing,’ commanded Dr Disaster. So, Fury did. ‘Speak,’ he said. ‘I don’t have the crystal! Lily does, ’Fury explained. ‘Well, what are you waiting for? Take me to her,’ he shouted. By now, all the eggs had hatched. One named Finley, because he had wings shaped like a shark fin, another named Seaweed with strange seaweed markings on her, and another named Scale, (and you already know why.) Crack! The window broke. ‘Fury,’ Lily said. ‘This one’s Finley, this one’s Scale, and this one’s Seaweed. Oh no. You’re hypnotised and all the others are too. Oh, just Ash,’ she shouted. ‘Oh no,no,no. You were right the first time, Lily. I hypnotised these guys before. Get her!,’ Dr Disaster exclaimed. Lily and two of the other dragons fought and won whilst the other dragon un-hypnotised them with his special powers. Dr Disaster found the water gem though, combined all of them and put them in his staff. He stomped it on the ground and as quick as a flash it all went dark. Lily had scratches all over but was not going to give up. She said, ‘All dragons, you must combine you powers in harmony to make the harmony crystal, then you can defeat him. ’So, all the dragons did, they all blasted their powers at him and defeated Dr Disaster. It all went light again, and they had the harmony crystal in their hands. ‘Who should protect it?’ they asked. ‘I know,’ shouted Fury. ‘To the most deserving one of us – Lily.’ 
                                                                                                         THE END                

                                                       Claws from the White Clouds and the Golden Sea Whispers  by   Niah.
There were clouds with white claws and waves that held secrets of life. The sea was gold and there were sparks in the air. The wind was whispering something, it said, ‘The clouds with claws and golden sea is only as frightening as you believe it to be. You’ve only just scratched the surface, dig a little deeper and you’ll see more than meets the eye.’ Neigh is a twelve-year-old girl, she has brunette hair, and wears a white top, black cargos and a grey hoodie. She has a best friend called Rositta and loves going on adventures! Rositta is also a twelve-year-old girl, who is blonde and wears a pink top, a black jumper and grey leggings. When the two are together, they are like diamonds! The tide goes in and the fog is low, the spirits lurk and the mist arose. Out on an island called Dark Deep, things lurk that will keep you from sleep! Rositta and Neigh are in Scotland. It’s the summer holidays, and they want an adventure. ‘Wait up, Rositta! ‘ cried Neigh, trying to keep up. Neigh was more on the brain side of things than sports. Rositta was a fast runner, but Neigh had a big breakfast. ‘ROSE!’ screamed Neigh, out of breath. ‘Okay. Okay!  I’ll slow but hurry up still.’ ‘Fine’‘Okay,’ sighed Neigh.They were on their way to the park; it was a nice Tuesday morning to go there. The sky was a beautiful crystal blue, and the grass was an emerald green. There’s a weird smell of sea salt in the air.In the town square, it suddenly turned misty and cold. It was mysterious. ‘What’s happening?’ Questioned Neigh. ‘I don’t know,’ said Rose. ‘Run!’ shouted Neigh. ‘This way!’ ‘Where are we going?’ ‘To the cliffs. I know a short cut, follow me.’ Neigh always knows the best way to go.‘ Up here, come on Rose.’ ‘What if whatever is happening is deadly?’ ‘Then we’re only just walking into a death trap!’ Neigh turned around and looked up to the sky. ‘There’s a storm coming.’ 
A week later… ‘A thunderstorm has appeared, it has been there for days,’ replied the news man, urgently. ‘Everyone to safety, now!’ The statics of the TV play up, the power goes down! ‘It’s a black out!’ cried Neigh. ‘Get a torch!’ ‘I can’t find one. It’s too dark,’ panicked Rose. ‘What’s rumbling?’ The roof of their house blew off the girl’s house! ‘Run! Let’s go to the cliffs, there’s an old shack, it seems to be holding up’ said Neigh looking out of the window. ‘Gooo!’ They sprinted to the cliff. ‘Look, there’s mum. I thought she was already there!’ exclaimed Neigh. ‘No she wasn’t, she had to go get Neigh junior, your cat.’ ‘Look, there’s a tree, I’ll climb it to see where they are. She eventually got there, and… ‘Watch out!’ screamed Neigh. Rose was struck by lightning!! Moments passed, Rose was dead, Mum was here, and Neigh was brave. All of a sudden, Neigh ran to the peak of the cliff and jumped! ‘No. Neigh,’ cried Mum. Mum walked to the peak, and peered in. She saw Neigh! Suddenly, the sea turned… gold! Neigh opened her eyes, she saw the gold sea, and she had a vision. She saw her Mum, but it wasn’t her. It was… Gold! Neigh opened her eyes, she saw the gold sea, and she had a vision. She saw her Mum, but it wasn’t her. She saw a cloud with claws; and the golden sea whispers!! 

                                                                                      The Screaming Secrets  by Gabriella.
After school, I quickly scitted upstairs to write in my secret box, when I heard my Mum coming up the stairs. My heart was beating, but I had to finish; I hid in my very small and squished closet hoping she wouldn’t find me. ‘Sarah,’ my Mum exclaimed as she stormed in my room, ‘Sarah, where are you?’ I didn’t answer her; in fact, I stayed hidden until she left my room. I know it was mean, but my Mum can’t find out what was in the box; that’s why I always lock it. I bring the key everywhere especially because if Mia finds the key, she will turn my room upside down to see what it unlocks. ‘There you are,’ Mum sighed in relief as she put her arms around me. I thought she was going to look at the box because I was about to put it under the bed before my Mum came in. About five seconds later, she pulled me away and grabbed the box. ‘What’s this?’ she questioned. ‘NO, stop,’ I snatched it from her. ‘That’s, ummm, well it’s for ummm, my –‘ There was a loud pause. 'My science project, you know, the one I’ve been working on?’ I smiled trying to hide my fear of her finding out what was in the box. ‘Okay, well come on, we have to help Grandma with the gardening,’ she explained whilst fixing my hair. Right at that moment it felt easy. What I mean is it felt too easy to hide my secrets, wait, I just said it. Well hopefully my Mum doesn’t find this. We went to Grandma’s house, and she welcomed me with open arms. ‘Hello my sweet pea,’ she smiled. Grandma led me into the garden and handed me some very comfortable gardening gloves. ‘Now, you’ll be planting flowers over there,’ she pointed to an area in her garden whilst handing me a rusty shovel.‘Ok, Grandma,’ I exclaimed grabbing the shovel and walking to the area. As I knelt down, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to lock the box! Oh. No! This is TERRIBLE. What am I going to do? At that very moment I felt like fainting, but I didn’t because nobody was at home so no one would look in the box. The next day at school, I took one step into the hallway, and I saw a big problem: my secrets were on the wall. Oh no, now I’ve really messed up. I ran to snatch them off the wall, but there was too much. What? What? There were words I never wrote. This can’t be happening. I was too embarrassed, so I turned to leave when I saw Sam smirking at me. 'Sam, I know you did this,’ I shouted holding back my tears. Sam was the school bully and has bullied me ever since I’ve started school. ‘So what?’ Sam laughed looking at me with an evil grin on her face. I couldn’t help but break down in tears. ‘You’re the WORST!’ I cried, crawling into a ball on the floor as people walked by and did nothing but stare at me. 

                                                                                        Dimond Sword  by Charlie.
One sunny day I was walking to the park when I saw something that had never been there before. It was a side passage straight to the park. I went through. A minute later I was at the park playing football with my friends. Suddenly a portal opened up and me and my friend Katie got sucked in. We travelled through a multi-coloured tube. Suddenly we arrived in a medieval town. ‘What happened to us Tom?’ exclaimed Katie. ‘I don’t know,’ I replied. ‘Well, you brought us here,’ shouted Katie, starting to cry. ‘Is that really you?’ said a man. ‘Who are you?’ the man asked me. ‘I am Tom,’ I said. ‘You finally come,’ said the man, quietly. ‘Oh, I forgot to say my name,’ said the man.‘I’m Logan,’ said Logan. ‘You are the saviour of the town, you have to find the sword and go to the Mega Zone, and slay a Devil,’ explained Logan. He gave me a knife and then as quick as he appeared, he disappeared. Suddenly, a scream pierced the air, as soon as it came, it went. When they came out, they saw a huge crowd when the Devil and the woman disappeared. As quick as a flash the Devil grabbed me and Katie. As soon as the Devil touched my flesh a portal opened up. It was different; it was purple. The next dimension was I think the Mega Zone. Then I saw the Dimond Sword that the Devil was trying to pull out. Like lightening I shoved the Devil out of the way, and he shoved me back. I jumped over him with a zing, speed and agility. Then I grabbed the Dimond Sword and chopped the Devil’s head off. However, out of nowhere, the Devil re-grew his head and raised an army of the dead with catapults and monsters. 

                                                                                           The Kids in the Clock  by  Ada.
 ‘Don’t worry Mother, we’ll be back for tea,’ said Katie shutting the door behind her. ‘Where are you going?’ asked Robert. Robert was taller than Katie. But Katie was older. Robert had blonde hair. He always wore the boots that his Father gave him. None of Katie’s family like talking about their Father; he was shot fighting for England in World War 2. Katie had strawberry blonde hair. She usually wore a blue dress, but today she wore a pair of brown trousers, and a white T-shirt. ‘You’ll see, but first let’s get Beatrice and Milo. ‘No.No.No!’ screamed Lucy, jumping up and down, her little white dress going with her. ‘Come on, it’s only to the woods, we could play stick in the mud,’ smiled Robert. ‘Ha, Ha.’ Lucy was fuming!  ‘Mmm. Come here you little rat!’ ‘Lucy! Words!’ shouted Katie trying to be a little more grown up. ‘Oh, Lucy, you got us lost!’ said Robert, angrily. They started to squabble. Milo, Beatrice and Katie all sighed.‘Hey, Milo, where are you going?’ asked Bea. ‘Whoa, Kitkat you might want to see this!’ ‘See wha…Whoa!’ said Katie in astonishment.The children had found an untouched castle in the middle of the woods. ‘I know, let’s play hide and seek,’ suggested Milo. ‘I’ll be it. ’So they all stepped through the large wooden door with square iron bolts. ‘Ready, steady, go!’ shouted Milo with excitement. ‘…’ ‘Right let’s hide together,’ suggested Katie.‘7.8.9.’ The children all nodded in unison. ‘Hmm. Where to hide…’ pondered Katie. ‘Wait. Why are you choosing where to hide?’ asked Robert. ‘Because I’m older.’ ‘Yeah, but only by a minute.’ ‘Guys…Guys…GUYS! Whilst you two were arguing Luce found a room that we could hide in!’ said Beatrice, a bit out of breath from shouting. The children all climbed in one by one; Katie checking everyone got in. ‘Why are there so many clocks, Katie?’ asked Lucy with lightening going down her spine. ’…’ echoed Milo’s voice down the creepy hallways. ‘Sshh!’ whispered Beatrice. It struck twelve.‘Ahh!’ screamed Lucy. ‘Katie. Robert. Bea. Help!’ Lucy was getting dragged into the grandfather clock. So was Katie…and Beatrice…and Robert! ‘Aaaaahhh!’ they all screamed.‘Ready or not here I come,’ said Milo. Not knowing what had just happened. ‘Hey, where are we?’ everyone wondered.The clock had taken them to a different dimension where everything was black and white, and the people spoke backwards. ‘Ok. So everything is black and white,’ said Katie again trying to be more grown up, but really she was quite shocked. ‘I’ll go and ask that man if he can help us. Um. excuse me, sir, could you please help us?’ ‘Backwards talkin’ you’re, alright feeling you are!’ said the man whose name was Pete Norman or Norman Pete! Pete thought that they were like him because they were also in black and white, but they couldn’t speak backwards. ‘Oh, he’s gone,’ she replied. ‘Ello I ‘eard yall need ‘elp? said a rather colossal girl. ‘Name’s Lucy, what’s yours?’ ‘This is Lucy, she’s five. That there is Robert, he’s eleven, and that’s Beatrice, she’s eleven. Oh, and I’m Katie, me and Robert are twins,’ announced Katie.’ And yes, we need help. We were in this room full of clocks and then we were here!’ ‘Ah, what ya’ll need to do is find ya closest clock. Turn de hands to twelve and ya’ll be sure to get home!’ she said. ‘Thanks Lucy you’re a star,’ shouted Katie running with the others giving her a little wave.The children found a shop full of clocks. ‘Hello can we I mean… please home go to hand clocks a change we can hello?’ asked Robert. ‘Not why sure, nice seem kids you oh!’ said the little old lady at the counter. ‘You thanks,’ replied Beatrice. ‘Yes, we’re back!’ said Lucy. ‘Right let’s find Milo,’ suggested Beatrice, a bit worried.‘Sorry for keeping you waiting Milo!’ ‘What do you mean?’ Milo asked. 
                                                                                                         THE END.
